Thursday, August 30, 2012
Burnout and ministry
I was honored to be apart of this panel discussion- please pass this along to anyone you know in ministry-
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
hands off...
Yesterday afternoon I was thinking about all that I have to
do before our Disney vacation. I made a
list and called Disney to make sure I had everything taken care of. She laughed
and said “ma’am you made all these arrangements back in March, come down here
and enjoy your vacation”. I laughed and
as I got off the phone I thought to myself how I daily make “to do” list and
when I don’t complete it I end up frustrated and have an even longer list for
the following day. I realized that we set ourselves up for unrealistic
expectations. We have our own agendas in
place every day rather than listening to the heart of our Creator. He holds
each day in His hands and He doesn’t need our help shaping our days. God wants nothing more than for us to walk
in victory and yet our perspective of victory is often living in bliss. Victory is overcoming something, defeating
something and walking away often tired, beat down and almost to the point of
giving up. God shines in those moments
because His power is made known in our weakest moments. When we have NOTHING
else to give He gives us exactly what we need to walk away victoriously. I am reminded of a Psalm this morning .
Psalm 28:1-2
Lord, I call to
You; my rock, do not be deaf to me. If You remain silent to me, I will be like
those going down to the pit. Listen to the sound of my pleading when I cry to
You for help, when I LIFT MY HANDS towards Your holy sanctuary.

Friday, August 17, 2012
stop fighting.. He has this!
I often wonder how hard it would be to train for the Olympics. I am sure they eat, sleep and breathe whatever sports their participating in. I recently set a goal for myself to be in a size 16 dress for my friend’s wedding. I was in a size 24 when I set this goal and I often would laugh because I really didn't think I would walk down the aisle in that dress. Brittany is one of my very best friends and I never wanted to disappoint her and tell her I couldn't be in her wedding simply because of a dress. She came into my life when she was only 13 and God allowed our relationship as youth leader/mentor to deepen into what is a genuine friendship just 10 years later. Both Brittany and her husband are on staff at Revolution and they are incredible. She chose me to be her matron of honor and I wanted this day to be all about her and not my insecurities. After breaking my ankle I was terrified to step on the scales and yet I had not gained a single pound back. As the date grew closer I turned up the heat. I began doing Jillian Michaels level two (WITH REAL BOY PUSH-UPS) with my sweet friends and I watched every calorie. About a month before the wedding I tried the dress on and IT FIT!!!!! This victory would have made anyone be so excited and don't get me wrong I was ecstatic to say the least. The day of the wedding my anxiety was out of the roof. I knew I had to walk in front of at least 200 people in a dress. I remember going into the restroom and getting down and saying God please fill me with confidence to get through this wedding. Everyone was congratulating me on the weight loss and telling me how incredible the dress looked, but if you have ever struggled with body image or food addiction those compliments mean the world but when you are insecure the demons usually speak louder. I had to literally quote scripture in my head all day long. From 5:30am up until I pulled into my drive way at 10óclock that evening. Then Monday rolled around and suddenly there was no goal in front of me, nor any desire to work out. I felt physically exhausted from the emotional marathon I ran in my head just 2 days before. I fell flat on my face and nothing was going to stop me….I ate ALL day. Satan began telling me "I knew you didn't really find freedom" over and over I heard this until this morning I said ENOUGH not audibly but I screamed loudly in my head. I began this day in the presence of my Creator and not ONCE have I struggled today. I feel renewed and I feel confident in the power of my Creator. I don't fight He fights for me. God whispered so gently into my heart and said "Holly, (ahh He said my name) take one step at a time, not one day but step" I realized that grace is something that is poured out when I simply look to Him. I am excited that I have lost 60 pounds. Today if you are stuck, numb, or even angry know that satan isn’t fighting you he is fighting your Father! The very ONE who spoke the world into existence. Your struggle brings out just how powerful He is and you can walk in FREEDOM!! Be encouraged today and SHINE-
Joshua 23:10 Each one of you will put to flight a thousand of the enemy,
for the Lord your God fights for
you, just as he has promised.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
would I really pass by?
A few days ago I went to see the dark knight rises for the
second time. I had a free movie ticket
and we were killing time so we decided to go see it again. This time I knew where things were going and
who was who and all the surprises were behind me, so I looked intently into the
detail of the scenes. I noticed so much more this time around such as the seemingly
obvious things that I somehow missed the first time around. This week I was in Luke 10 and I re-read the “good
Samaritan” parable and this time around I paid closer attention to details. This time I focused on the people who passed
by him.
Luke 10:30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked
by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving
him half dead. 31 A
priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he
passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw
him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man
was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his
wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought
him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[e] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after
him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense
you may have.’
I realized that we pass by people almost every single day in
some capacity. The people who hurt us
the most, we declare some type of revenge even if it’s as simple as the silent
treatment or maybe even a no text back policy.
There are also those people who rub you the wrong way. They say the
obvious things or the wrong things at the wrong times, and they often point out
your flaws publicly. So in return we shun them in public, make them feel dumb
by not laughing at their jokes, nor do we invite them into our inner circles. We truly miss the picture of the “good Samaritan”
when we fail to see the people who CHOSE to pass by and even cross the street to
avoid the situation. A priest was the
first mentioned and as Christ followers we have a picture in our heads of the
only way of serving is to somehow go to that sweet little kid living in a third
world country whose hungry for both food and affection. This is beyond true and
I am so thankful for the missionaries who pour out every day of their lives as
full time missionaries. But If I am going
to be real with myself I also know that there are people who I have in my life
that I want nothing to do with, I don’t want to be their friend and yet I know
they are desperate for friendship. How
can I say that I am the “good Samaritan” when I pass by daily? Think about when we order food and the
waitress fails to smile and we are so quick to complain. What if she was beaten before she got there
and she has no smile left to give? If I
knew that would I still pass by? What
about that co-worker or family member that literally drives you bonkers. What
if she or he feels so rejected by others and even contemplates suicide because
the depression seems too much and they need someone to invest in them. Knowing
this would I still pass by? No matter
how much I focus on the men who passed by my heart takes me back to the man who
got messy for the sake of saving that poor man who was beaten and yet he CHOSE
to touch him both physically and emotionally.
Jesus did the very same thing for me.
When I was at my lowest place feeling dirty and so out of His reach, Jesus
saw me and without blinking got in the midst of all the dirt, the pain and the gross
areas of my heart and began to pour His love and grace over me and because of
that I began to heal. I want to see past
the friendships, past the family members and those around me that I choose to see
and really SEE people just like Jesus. I
want to see messes as a way to give hope. I want to hear crazy stories in order
to connect with someone and show them the Creator who is madly in love with
them. I want to experience a level of
serving like never before. I must keep my eyes open for the people right
in front of me and allow God to show me what it truly means to be just like
Who needs you right now?
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
in between the loads....
Over the last few weeks our couple’s
life group has been studying the book of James and in the past I have always
pulled out the importance of guarding my tongue or how to treat those around me. As we read through chapter 5 I couldn’t get
pass these 2 verses.
James 5: 7/8 Therefore be patient, brethren, until
the coming of the Lord. See how
the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it
until it receives the early and latter rain. 8 You
also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
As I read this over and over my heart seem
to press down on the “early and late rains” that would come and it hit me, what about the
time period in the middle when nothing seems to be coming? I have been in seasons of my life when I
literally thought God had forgotten I even existed and l truly had given up on ever
hearing His voice or chasing my dreams.
I would read my bible, pray, and seek His guidance and still nothing
seem to be happen and then out of nowhere God would pour out His direction or bring some type of healing.
It was always just what I needed in that moment. I thought about the farmer and how he had to
sweat and plow and work for hours when he knew that nothing was going to happen
that evening or even the following day.
We want instant results and yet God has called us to wait
patiently. Last week I was in one of
those I want to clean out all the closets and wash all my clothes/blankets
moods. I literally gathered up 8 loads
of stuff from blankets, to towels to sheets and all our dirty clothes and
decided to take them to the laundry mat.
I think I was more excited about sitting and just waiting in the
quietness of my car. I had just come off
an incredible week and my heart was so full and the thought of getting
uninterrupted time with my Creator made my heart skip a beat. It didn’t go down quite like I had planned. As
I loaded all of the clothes and added laundry detergent and adjusted the
settings my back had sweat running down.
I couldn’t just put them all in a row NOOOOO I had a few here, one there
and a few on another row and I would forget where I was and have to open like
10. I was so flustered that I decided to
not sit in the coolness of my air conditioned car but instead I would enjoy the
BRAND NEW dollar tree store that had just opened up down the road. I went in and killed literally 45 minutes
doing nothing. I went back to the
laundry mat and as I began to change over my clothes from the washers to the
dryers I was so disappointed that I didn’t take advantage of that time in
between the loads and then it hit me. God knows my hearts desires and my
struggles. He placed within me a passion,
He hears the depths of my cries when I am in a season of dryness, He knows my
finances, He knows my desire to overcome food addiction and yet instead of
handing over all of those at one time I hand Him one at a time thinking it’s
too much for him to handle. I stood
there looking at these massive washing machines and all at once I was able to
clean all I had brought. I was able to
accomplish 8 loads of laundry AT ONE TIME!
The farmer doesn’t choose a crop
to nurture and hope that when the rain comes only that particular fruit or vegetable
will grow instead he gives all he has to every single crop in his fields. In our minds it’s a never ending cycle of not
getting what we want and waiting while we hurt in a season and we desperately need a touch from
our Creator. Waiting patiently means
you trust Him no matter what as you diligently prepare your fields. If you are dreaming of doing something then
you pray and use your gifts where you are and allow the bloom to happen in His
timing. If you desperately need His
touch of healing in your marriage, finances, past scars or even lost and broken
dreams you have to keep pushing through because the rains are coming and you don't want your fields to be unprepared. When dryness happens it’s an opportunity to
press into the heart with such intensity that His love being poured over you is
the very thing that sustains you. In 1 Peter 5:7 it says… casting ALL your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. I love that it says ALL your cares. God wants
all your “laundry” at one time. This
includes your struggles, your dreams, your fears and all the other areas of
your heart that keeps you from waiting with expectancy and patience. God wants to do amazing things in you and
through you! Its time to let go and allow Him to do some cleaning out and
preparing of your heart for the rains to flood you like never before!
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