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Sunday, November 11, 2012

take the plunge!

You know that feeling when you have been lying by a pool all day and you’re hot, sunburned, and thirsty and you suddenly remember that the cold and refreshing water of the pool is right beside you and so you take the plunge and refreshment happens.  I got that feeling this weekend as I watched around 300 girls worship with their WHOLE hearts at our Pearls are for Girls event.  The messages I received on twitter and through facebook were unbelievable! One of the moms who came gave her life to Christ!!!! Psalm 138:1 says “I give you thanks O Lord with my WHOLE heart”.   My heart is bursting with such joy tonight. I loved planning and praying and really anticipating what God was going to do but today I have done nothing but rest in the complete sovereignty of my Creator.  He fashioned this day from looking like a regular Sunday to a spiritual marker in my life.  I have expanded my dreams and deepened my commitment to follow Him no matter what.  Who would have ever thought that this girl’s conference would push me deeper and leave me renewed?  When a passion is birthed within you by God then you can’t sit still you have to do something. It’s like a pregnant woman craving that one thing and she won’t quit until she gets what she wants.  Satan wants to choke that dream out of you and send people and things to distract you but remember that the craving isn’t going to go away. God loves and pursues you with such intensity eventually you’re going to have to stop running, realize that He is BIG and surrender to a cause bigger than the instant gratification of self. I have put off my calling so many times with the hope of losing more weight, becoming more equipped, or even doubting my purpose and yet in the midst of all that my craving and desire to do what I am called to do has intensified times by a 1000! Tonight I begin a new journey, one that is completely out of my reach but in the hands of my Savior.   God I give you my praise! God I give you the areas of my heart that no one else sees! God I want nothing more than to be used by You! God you are BIG and I am choosing to rest in this beautiful season of renewal! Here I am…. USE ME! Ladies its time to rise up and declare those strongholds as instruments that point you to the unbelievable strength of Jesus and then sit back and allow Him to set you FREE and use you beyond your wildest imagination!!!!!


Dream BIG!

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