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Saturday, March 2, 2013

A dose of truth

I have been sick all week and have had really no energy for much of anything. I have dug in our medicine box trying to find something that would attack my symptoms. I would look for words that I knew meant relief. This morning around 4am I was up with sneezing, coughing and headache among other junk and as I popped a cough drop in I was reminded of a verse that talks about the truth of Gods word.

Every word of God proves true; he is  a shield to those who take refuge in him. (Proverbs 30:5 

As I read this verse and let it sink in I realize that when I struggle with my worth, or allow thoughts to invade my actions, or worry about things out of my control I am really calling God a liar.  WOW…. I am calling the Creator of the universe the very one who created my mouth, my heart, my mind and my innermost being a LIAR!  He says I am a masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) and I say I am not. He says He is enthralled by my beauty (Psalm 45:11) and I talk about my body in a negative way.  I worry about my future and He says He has equipped me and wants to blow my mind (Ephesians 3:20).  God's word PROVES TRUE!  There is nothing I can do, or say or even get lost in that will fulfill that place within me that longs for truth. God is truth and His words should be the only words I cling to for completion.   His words should be the very thing that drives me to love people. His words should be the only words I look to as a means of provision.  His words pierce darkness and illuminate the areas of our hearts where brokenness once was and restoration now stands.  God’s words breeds redemption and yet we turn to the words of people from our past or current friendships to guide us to shape us and to mold who we are.  Trying to measure up to someone will only leave you empty and frustrated. It’s time to start walking in the confidence that you are equipped to BE YOU and leave the results up to God.   

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